Prof. T.R.Sanakaranarayanan B.Tech (IIT-M), PGPM (IIM-C)
Prof. Laxmi Narayanan BE (EEE),B.Tech (IT), PGPM (IIM-L)
Prof.C.K. Chandrasekhar B.Tech, PGDM (IIM-A)
Prof. Dr Vijay Kumar Jayaram BA(Eco),MBA,PGDSCA,DRDMS,CLA, MCST(USA), PhD
Prof. Narayan B.E (IISC), PGDM (IIM-A)
Prof. V.K. Kumar B.Tech (IIT-M) PGPM (IIT-A)
Prof.N Manikandeswaran.B.Com,B.L, M.L,MBA, DIM, PGDIM,PGDHRM
Dr. M. Ramanan M,Sc, MBA, PGDM (IIM-C), PhD
Mr. Ranjit Kovilinkal BE, PGDM (IIM-A)
Prof.Ajit Chakravarthi BTech (IIT-K), PGDM (IIM-C)
Prof. K.Rajagopal BTech( IIT-K),PGBM (IIM-A)
Mr. Sekhar Srinivasan B.Com, EGMP(IIM-B)
Dr.U. Jayalakshmi Srikumar MA. MBA, PhD
Dr. Swaminathan M.Com, M.M.S, D.S.W, ICWA, MPhil, PhD
Dr. Abhirami MCS, MPhil,PhD
Dr. Sampath Kumar FCWA.ACS, CAIIB, MBA, MPhil, PhD
Prof. Sundaramurthy MBA.M.Phil, (PhD)
Dr. N. Kalyanaraman MBA, MCom, MPhil, PhD
Mr. Narasiman M.Sc, CAIIB
Dr. K. Sankaran M.Tech, DSM, PhD
Mr. R. Vaithiyanathan MSc (Stat), MSc(Maths), MBA (Ops), Mphil
Prof. M. Bashyakar FCA, CFA
Mr. Rajan LLB, LLM
Mr. Naveen.M.Nair MBA, LLB, M.Phil
Dr. Vijayalakshmi MA, MPhil, PhD
Dr. Anil Kumar BVSc, MBA, MPhil
Mr. R. S. Prasad MCom, Mphil
Dr.T.S. Vembu B.G.L., M.B.A, M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D
Dr. E.Dharmaraj MA, MBA, M.Phil, PhD
Mr. Sathish Kumar MA, MBA
Mr. K. Thyaganandan Madhu MA, LLB, MBA, Mphil
Dr. Gomathi Srinivasan MBA-HR,, M.Phil, Ph.D
Prof. Sundaram Dilip MBA(International Business), M.Com, ACS (Inter)
Prof. Venkataraman P.S MCom, MSc, MBA, Mphil
Mr. K.P. Srikumar L.L.B. (Honors), L.L.M. Dip. In Masscom
Prof. Sundaram A M Bcom, FCA, PGDSM
Prof. Neelakantan MCom, MBA, ICWAI
Prof. Manivanan MCom, MBA, Mphil
Ms. Srilatha B.Sc (CS), M.Sc(IT), MBA, M.Phil (CS)
Mr. Sunil Kumar MCom, ICWAI
Mr. Ravi Chandran MCom, MBA
Mr.S.S.G.K. Murali MA (SW), PGDBA, MA(PUB.ADMN), Dipn Log. and SCM.
Dr. K. Girija M.Com, M.B.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
Prof. Ravi Nagarajan M.Sc, MBA, AIMA
Prof. M Hariharamahadevan MBA (HR and Mktg), Dip in T & D
Group Capt (Retd.) Prof R Nagarajan MA - Eco, MBA (PM & IR)
Prof Raghavachari K S Airforce Qualification, Military
Prof. M. Harihara Mahadev MBA, Diploma in Training & Development
Prof. R. Vijayashree B.Sc, CA
Prof. Saravanan B.Sc (che), M.Sc, M.A, MBA, M.Phil
Mrs. Supriya M.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed.
Mrs. Jisha M.A, B.Ed., SET
Ms. Reshmi MA (Hindi), NET, and M. Phil.
Mr. Vineeth MCA and PGDPE
Mr. V. Ramakrishnan B.Com. and CA
Prof. B.Santhanam M.Com, M.Phil
Ms. Prabitha M.Com. and MBA (HRM)
Ms. Padmini Sensarma MA, M.Phil Economics
Prof. Ramesh Shankar B.E (Mech), MBA (Finance), MBA (HR)
Mr. P.S. Nambiar B.Sc.(Engg) and PGDBA
Mr. Ashok Kumar M.Sc, M.Com., MBA, LLB and FIII
Mr. Sharmeendra M.A. (Economics) and NET
Mr. Nithin B.Sc. (Vis. Comm.), M.Sc.(Electronic Media), NET
Ms. P. Shabna MB.Sc. (Vis. Comm) and MBA (Fashion Mgt.)
Mr. K. Nidhin Anand MCA
Mr. Dhiraj MBA (IT and Mktg.) and BE (Mechanical Engg.)
Prof. Ramesh Shankar BE (Mech), MBA (Fin), MBA (HR)
Prof. P. Nagarajan BE, MS, AICWA
Prof S Selvaraju MBA(Finance), M.Com, MBA (Finance & HR), B.Com, AICWA and CA Inter.
Prof Suryakumari Duggirala MA, Mphil
Mr. Madhusoodanan Nair MFA, Marketing, Advt, Journalism- Visual Commn
Mr. Jayachandran.C.T CA,
Ms. Rekha MCA, BCom, PGDCA
Ms. Shabna Master of Fashion Management, BSc. Visual Communication
Mr. Raju Master of Communication & Journalism
Mr. Murali Krishnan P.Hd in Philosophy, LLB, MA, Journalism Diploma
Mr. Jithin MTech IT, Btech IT
Prof Ramanathan D M.Sc Maths, MBA, MA Psychology, BGL, Dip in Operations Research (ISI) PG Dip in Labor Studies
Dr. Ramki Murugan MBA, PhD